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Developmental Milestones

1 to 2 Years

Hearing and Understanding

  • Able to point to some body parts when asked
  • Able to follow one-step directions (e.g. “give me___”, “Pick up___”)
  • Able to answer simple questions (“What is that?” “Where is baby?”)
  • Able to sit and listen to a short book
  • Able to identify objects or people in a book when asked


  • Learning many new words, 1-2 words per week
  • Using sounds in the beginning of words such as: p, b, m, n, w, y
  • Imitating sounds and words modeled for them frequently
  • Using one word phrases, and two word phrases increasingly
  • Beginning to ask simple “wh” questions

2 to 3 years

Hearing and Understanding

  • Able to understand 2 step directions
  • Able to understand and use new words
  • Beginning to understand early preschool concepts (opposites, locations, same/different)


  • Using 2-3 word sentences primarily
  • Using more sounds: t, d, k, g, n
  • Using sounds at the beginning and end of words
  • People are understanding your child approximately 50% of the time
  • Asking more complex questions

3 to 4 years

Hearing and Understanding

  • Able to understand more preschool concepts: color, shape, size
  • Able to answer a variety of questions asked


  • Using 3-4 word sentences primarily
  • Using pronouns when speaking: I, you, he, she, we
  • Using some grammar markers in speech: -ing, plural -s, in on
  • People understand approximately 75% of what your child says

4 to 5 years

Hearing and Understanding

  • Able to understand 3 step directions
  • Able to understand most of what is said to them at home and at school
  • Able to understand time concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Able to understand order words: first, next, last


  • Using adult like sentences, 4-5+ words
  • Using all speech sounds in the beginning middle and end of words
  • Able to tell a short story
  • Able to participate in and keep a conversation going
  • Able to speak with most people understanding them most of the time
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